Wednesday, 30 December 2009

2009: A year in review.

The way to start off a new blog for the new year: Talk about the year just gone. Anyway, 2009 was strange one,  but ultimately fun. It involved the continuation of university and leaving assignments to the last minute and becoming very unhappy about the fact that we had assignments due, but it's the way of the student. 2009 also meant the start of my expansion of freedom. You'll see why in a bit. So, yeah, 2009:

  • Started off a bit bleak, having not been kept on where I worked before Christmas, without actually being fired/being told I've been let go. I, along with several others as far as I can tell, were given the "we've got no time for you at moment, but we'll call you!" treatment. Which if you ask me is pretty spineless, just grow a set and tell us. It all came back around when I learned that the boss guy got into some shit though (hahaha).

  • They say that January/February/March is a bad time of year for most people as there is the bad weather and nothing to look forward to. This would've been correct too, but I had something to look forward to: as a then 19-year old, my first concert/gig on March the 2nd, a day that would also involve a trip to London and the Monday and Tuesday off uni (and Wednesday too seeing as I always have them off). The gig was Metallica and it was fucking fantastic. A sunny day, heavy metal, flames, colourful flames, rotating coffins and black beach balls. What more could you ask for?

  • Also in February, I had my "first" night out for a friend's birthday. Fun was had. Why did I leave it so long? Well, partially due to money, and also due to the apprehension of not knowing whether I'd like it or not. Also, the fact that I don't drink means that some of the appeal of going out to drink wasn't there. Then about a week after Metallica, my friend had a birthday party which involved a bunch of us staying over his house, and 3 of us staying up until 5am talking, then sleeping on a Wotsits covered, cushionless couch. I also remember March being strangely hot and wearing shorts to uni. First time for everything.

  • May saw the end uni exams for the second year and birthdays, and another night out to celebrate which spawned may great moments involving a "crazy eyed chick", a mispronunciation of someones name, "I'll fuck YOU when you least expect it!" and someone throwing up. I also turned 20.

  • June: The start of the period where things started not happening. At the start of June I spent 4 days holiday in Dawlish in Devon, in a freezing cold caravan with my parents. Then the following week I officially began driving lessons! Also, the awesomeness that was Download Festival occured, featuring the reunited Limp Bizkit AND Faith No More, two of my favourite bands. Which I watched online. Fun!

  • Uh.... I don't think anything happened in July, except I bought a Pearl Jam CD online and I watched a lot How I Met Your Mother and fell in love with Cobie Smulders all over again.. Same for August. Well, I bought TNA tickets for January 27th 2010.

  • September began pretty bad. I was contemplating my final year at uni without the 3 people who I was friends with in the class, who were busy pissing off to France. Luckily (for me), one returned when the great big fuck-up that was the organisation of their trip got fucked up even moreso and they were told lessons were in French, not English as expected. Even though we were two men down, fun times began/continued!

    We enrolled for the third year and on the second day of term, I doubled my gig count by seeing The Guns at Clwb Ifor Bach (29/09/2009). That day also marked The Awesome Gang gaining a new member, replacing the French Sympathisers.

  • For October I took and completed my driving theory test. Also, a third gig was seen being the Nine Black Alps (21/10/2009). The music wasn't my thing, but a fun time was had and saw some funny quotes emerge. The rest of October was filled with a lot of nachos for my mother's birthday and spending more time with friends.

  • November was also a strange month. Beginning with a general air of depression due to the looming deadline of our third year project (milestone 1), it was coupled with a friend spending time (x2) in hospital. But only days before, we all saw the French Sympathisers return for the week. Also, Modern Warfare 2 released.

  • And finally December. It was essentially a month of bad feelings and general lethargy, at least at the start. For the first two weeks we were just waiting for the end of the term to come. Ironically for me, everything seemed to happen in the final week. A coursework deadline, dentist appointment, haircut, general project work, a driving lesson and then finally at 8.20am on the Friday, the last day of term (meaning getting up at 6.30) my driving practical test before uni at 12. The fun news is that I was starting to get a cold and was somewhat nervous so didn't sleep AT ALL. I ended up failing when I thought that I had passed. There went my plans of driving around over Christmas and spending time with my friends.

    Anyway, the first week of Christmas break I did nothing. The second week I also did nothing, except went to see The Guns at Clwb Ifor Bach (22/12/2009) once more to quadruple my gig count in a year, also for a Christmas party type-deal with the returning Frenchards once more. Some parts of the night were unexpected and The Guns weren't as good as the first time, but it was a overall fun night once more. Shame about the fact that there is always one cunt who decides to have a fucking fight in the bar. Scared the shit out of me as the ensuing brawl rushed me into the corner. The fucktard didn't even get thrown out.

    New Year's Eve was spent in a very cold Clwb Ifor Bach with some random people, and "Killing in the Name" was a very appropriate first song of 2010!
Some random bits and pieces from the year that don't fit into the story:
  • The barmaid calling Mat a dickhead.
  • "You know what Manny? I'll fuck YOU when you least expect it!" - Mat (17/05)
  • "What about hot knees? They'd have to cut little triangles out of their trousers" - Mike (March sometime)
  • "SHU'UP MARC!/SHU'UP BEN!" - Myself/Marc (Many times)
  • A very high-pitched laugh from Brian when a guy approached Jim on behalf of  "crazy eyes chick" in a bar.
  • Buying something online for the first time ever.
  • Random girls "singing" on the train. (March)
  • Michael Jackson dying. (June)
  • "Billie Jean" being the last song I heard in 2009.
  • Rage Against the Machine becoming Christmas number one.
  • "Killing in the Name" being the first song I heard in 2010.
  • "That's what she said!" - Many people, many times (mainly Sophie).
  • "Your mum!" - Many people, many times (mainly Sophie, again, and Manny).
  • "I always carry some Dettol in my bag. Why? In case I need to do some light cleaning". (21/10)
  • "Melty Face people" - Woody (Feb/March)
  • "Man, I pissed on my shoes... aw shit" - Jim returning from the toilet as Woody was on the phone.
  • "...are you the guy who pissed on his shoes?" - Sophie to Jim (Oct)
  • My Facebook profile getting attacked with 150 messages. (Oct)
  • "GO HOME" - Jim to Nine Black Alps when things went quiet.
  • "Great, or greatest?" - Jim/Myself
  • The Metal Gear Solid 5 countdown of death.
  • "FREE FISH!" (Nov)
  • Headbutting a poster of Iggy Pop at Queen Street Station...
  • Yelling "FUCK!" after missing the bus in the middle of Churchill Way. (Oct - same day)
  • "[Chocolate Starfish] is that the same as a rusty sheriff's badge?"
  • Games night at Easter involving a TLC match on Smackdown that didn't end.
  • "This song is about... it's about... it's about six minutes. No..." - James Hetfield (Metallica)
  • Discovering the Contra Code works on Facebook. (Oct/Nov)
  • "Hey, I've got a mind like... an eagle?" - Jim (Dec)
  • Still failing to learn guitar.
  • Having some very strange dreams.
  • Realising that I can't have a nickname by shortening one of my names like most people do.
  • Actually starting a blog and hoping to keep it going...

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