Tuesday, 9 February 2010

A rather sucktastic January. For the most part.

Where December left off being a bit shit, January continued the trend. Snow. Ugh. Fucking snow. It came, we enjoyed a couple of days, then it pissed off. Then came back again. Ugh. Everyone was bored of it, but still it stuck around. In fact, it caused myself and Jimmy to get stranded in Wherethefuckareweville (aka uni).

Speaking of which, returning to uni sucked too, as the "oh shit, why didn't I do ANYTHING over Xmas break" feeling kicked in hardcore style. For the second week back I had to start and finish two tedious courseworks, AND start milestone 2 of my final year project to be in some 2 weeks after that. And then factor in that the first week was practically a write-off concerning contact time due to snow, as was half of the second week.

Naturally, the day I had to give in one of these courseworks I had another attempt at my driving test in the morning... which I failed, again, this time with only 2 minors. As if the day couldn't be any worse, I would end up fucking up that coursework, then the aforementioned snow-relating stranding occurred. Awful, awful day I couldn't wait to be over with.

The following week I was left to my own devices, with my parents away on holiday for the week. Cue relative boredom, and bacon, chip shop and McDonalds. Lots of bacon, chip shop and McDonalds. Oh, and my mate telling me that I couldn't come to TNA on the 27th, meaning I'd effectively be going on my lonesome (bar the my friend's work mate who was joining us). Something that I'd been looking forward to for 6 months, and after these 2 months, something I needed.

As for the project milestone 2, it ended up not too bad, it's just a shame I left it that late and didn't get what I was doing until some 5 days before the deadline.

So that's a pretty shitty January for you.

BUT. There were a few shining lights:

On the 14th, in the midst of shitty snow/tedious coursework week, I got myself a new iPod Nano. It really is quite wonderful. Yes, I realise how vain/nerdy it sounds, but hell it was a peak in a crap couple of months. Also, I'd never owned an iPod before. Ironically, my SanDisk Sansa DIED as soon as I got home.

The next day, Friday the 15th, with my parents going away that day, my friends came over and we played Smackdown. A lot. And guitar. And Modern Warfare 2. And I got Facebook raped.

I also experienced Metros for the first time. That was fun, baring a VERY drunk and annoying Jim, and a 9am lecture the next morning. And despite having to go alone to watch TNA, that was fantastic also.

Oh yeah, another small thing, I FINALLY PASSED my driving test! I was able to take the spot of a girl who wasn't quite ready (no, don't go there ¬¬), and somehow I managed to pass. Albeit with ELEVEN minors of a maximum of sixteen. Ha. But fuck it, I'll take it. It was worth skipping that lecture to take it, it seems.

So, after a mixed at best January, here comes February. Mmmm.

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