Sunday, 7 March 2010

February's Nothingness.

Nothing happened really. At all. I just don't really care any more, I'm just on auto-pilot until Easter/summer.

I suppose I could somehow eke a few more lines of content out of the 28 days of the second month.

Monday, 1st of February meant I had to had in Milestone 2 of my project. I did. Haven't touched it since. Oops. Valentine's Day is crap and a marketing ploy. Plus I'm alone. ¬¬ So I spent it listening to metal, though I'm not fussed anyway. Even worse though was that we didn't and still haven't had pancakes for Shrove Tuesday Pancake Day on the 16th! Grrr.

I did attend a birthday outing for McHodge though. That was pretty fun. And I got to drive. Snow also returned briefly. That was not fun. Fuck off snow.

That's about it I think. Yeah, wow.

I am now enjoying the emergence of some sun and driving to uni (or at least the train station to go to uni) regularily. It really does feel great driving along with the window down (despite not really needing to) blasting some Soundgarden, Metallica, SOiL or Between the Buried and Me (Selkies FTW) to really disturb pedestrians by you.

March is going to be hell though. 3 courseworks (2 to start... I think) to be in in 2 weeks, within days of each other too, milestone 3 to start to hand in the first week back off Easter as well as 2 other courseworks in after Easter too. So Easter's gonna be hell too... but I'm oddly really looking forward to it. Birthday parties, driving, hopefully sun. could be great, if not greatest.

Barring the hideous amounts of shit I have to do too. ¬¬

Yeah, that's it.

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