Tuesday, 27 April 2010

The Return from Easter, pt 1.

Following the three weeks off from Easter, it meant the deadline for handing in the finished version of the final year project. Whoop-dee-do. Back in September when we started this shit, I was pretty sure I'd be pulling an all nighter, which would be my official first all nighter. Every other time for other assignments I'd be able to finish and get at least some sleep, albeit it going to bed at 5am with a wake-up of 7am. I guess I only have myself to blame though.

With only 2 days remaining before the project needed to be handed in, I was still stalled. Only the day before I could make a little progress, which forced the all nighter. Then, only some 3 hours before deadline I was able to come up with a solution for the code, which meant trying to hammer out a sufficient testing and evaluation sections, tidy up the what would be 86 page report and get it printed and bound (twice) before 4pm, with zero hours of sleep. I got it done in the end, even if I am fully aware of the piss-poor nature of my testing and evaluation sections. Oh and I realised a few days later that I left some crap in that I was going to change. Fuck. It's done now though.

I will say that that all-nighter was quite eventful though. I found myself eating cornflakes straight from the box, having a nosebleed (or aneurysm, one or the other), wasting time on Akinator and talking to people who I didn't expect to be up at 5am, as well as talking to those that I did expect to be up. I can say that I'm thankful for the company, and I'm sure it's the same for them too. Had to celebrate with a McDonalds at 4.30pm after not eating since my cornflakes-athon at about 3am. Waking up at 9.30am Tuesday and going to bed at 1am on Thursday isn't that fun, kids.

With that project out the way... that meant I had 48 hours to start and hand in an assignment! This one though was pathetic. The program doesn't need to be explained and requires about 4 lines for the minimum marks, and that was what we were aiming for just to get it done, given that the assignment was for the worst lecturer there. He doesn't explain shit. And his assignment sheet wasn't much help, it was about 3 lines long. May as well have said "pfft, do some shit." And he probably got shit. Glad I (hopefully) don't ever have to use Linux again! I was more concerned trying to play PlayStation One classics on my PC using the PS3 controller than that coursework.

Now to try and get a presentation done for the project for Thursday next week, and hand in another report on the Friday. Will I rest then? No. Exams. Fun. Thank god we got to celebrate the conclusion of the project report though.

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