Saturday, 1 May 2010

The Return from Easter, pt 2.

And now for the second and final week back from Easter before exams!

Only actually had to go in for lectures on Monday this week, with Tuesday, Thursday and Friday being a write off. But this still meant I had to prepare and perform a presentation regarding my final year project at 11.30 on Thursday and still hand in an assignment regarding microkernels for Friday.

So, Monday wasn't too bad, just a bit boring once uni had finished. Tuesday was pretty lame though, being stuck inside rather bored as the sun was beaming, mocking me.

Wednesday though, ugh. Very shit day. Somehow, as soon as I woke up, I couldn't hear. It was strange, it sounded like I had been swimming and had water in my ear. It hurt hearing this that were quite low, except for some reason using earphones didn't effect it. Once again the sun was beaming and I got up early to make some progress on the presentation. But I got so bored by 12.30 and didn't want to spend another nice day indoors so I took my ball up the park with my iPod. Only 10 minutes later though: BOOM! Ball over fence, into stingy nettles, which stung me on the calf. Fun. Got bored of that and ended up going for a walk/run/jog, something I don't normally do, ever. I just kept on going and going and without realising I was by the train station I use to go to uni, which is around 15-20 minutes driving, or an hour away walking. So that meant an hour's walk/jog/run back too in the warm sun.

Some 3 days later my leg and back muscles are still messed up, got a bruise from the stingy nettles and a blister on my right foot. Happy days.

Getting home at around 3ish, I just couldn't get in the frame of mind to carry on working on the presentation. Eventually I did, but I still hadn't finished by 3am, where I decided to get some sleep and wake up early to finish. Fantastic plan. I woke up early, but still couldn't get into it, until I was rushing. I ended up finishing late, and still had to get ready. I left late and arrived at uni at about 11.40. I think they bought that I "had trouble starting my car" ¬¬.

The presentation itself was pretty poor. Videos I had recorded just didn't work. Fucking codecs. So I had to wing them. I think I may've answered their questions pretty decently though. But yes kids, don't be late. either way, I consoled myself with a(nother) McDonalds afterwards.

Was the day over? Noooo. Time to crack on with boring reports about Microkernels where information is a little scarce, even when using Wikipedia (which I was aiming not to). I already had 1500 words of the 2500 so wouldn't be too bad. I managed to get to about 2250 on Thursday night and decided to call it quits, wake up early and just finish it off to get it out of the way. I even watched Kick-Ass again on Thursday night afterwards, but fell asleep during it, so I carried on watching that again in the morning too. Did that and finished both around 12.30pm on Friday, score. So, that's my (hopefully) last ever piece of coursework handed in. In the end with only a couple hundred words left I just meh'd over it just to get it done.

To "celebrate" the end of uni, or just get out the house, I dunno, we took a trip to Barfly to watch a nice n' friendly band: a Pantera tribute band named, ironically, "101% Pantera". They were loud, they were angry, they were good. They even made me like "Walk", a song I dislike. Even as a fan of metal, wearing a Metallica shirt, we still looked out of place next to the big, hairy sweaty blokes, god knows what our female friend felt like. Glad to report we stayed away from the front and the mosh-pits. Then took a trip to Revs, which in all honesty is better than I thought it would be. Less full of chavs and the ability to breath and move unlike the similar Live Lounge. Ugh, I hate Live Lounge.

Now it's May, and only have 2 weeks and 3 exams left, and 4 weeks until my birthday. Yay.

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