Exam period is upon us! Rejoice! I kicked off my exams knowing I had one Tuesday the 4th of May, the day after Bank Holiday Monday. To sum up the days before said exam:
Thursday: Do presentation, finish OS report
Friday: Finish OS report in the morning, chill out in the afternoon, go see Pantera tribute in the night.
Saturday: Know I should be revising, but eventually do nothing... and update to the new version of Ubuntu.
Sunday: I know I should be revising again, but largely get nothing done.
Monday: Wake-up early and head up to uni to do some group revision with some friends in their flat.
Tuesday: Do exam.
In the end, we actually did manage to get some revision done as a group on Monday, although perhaps not as much as we would've hoped. Getting home in the evening... I procrastinated more. Eventually carried on revising, staying up until 4am watching TNA Impact and WWE Raw live. Tip: At 2am, when you're supposed to be revising for an exam tomorrow, its best not to dick around trying to get 2 monitors set up. Ended up knocking the power cable out of the PC :@. Anyway, I still hadn't done enough revision and had a splitting headache so called it a day at 4am.
Tuesday rolls around and I get up early to do some more last minute revision... and I procrastinate more. For a bit at least. Eventually do all that I can, suppressing a burgeoning headache in the meantime, before having to leave for the exam at 14.00.
The exam itself though, I must say, was pretty good. One question was exactly the same a sample question except with "Robbie The Robot" instead of "Bender the Robot". Yeah. I was a little worried at one point though as I'd done one and a half questions (of 3) in about an hour and 5 minutes of a three hour exam, and finished both questions by about an hour and a half. Took a little longer on question three as I was less confident about it, but I'd all but finished by 2 hours, and remained in the exam room a little longer in case anything else popped into my head. It didn't. Oh well.
Then instead of revising for the toughest exam on Friday, I procrastinated, looking at pictures of Cardiff on Flickr. Yeah. And it's now nearly 11pm on Wednesday night... and I still haven't revised and I'm writing this blog instead. Eep.
Wednesday, 5 May 2010
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